Nhạc chờ Pet Shop boys
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Thông tin tiểu sử/ profile "Pet Shop boys"
Tên thật/ tên khác: Pet Shop Boys
Ngày sinh/ Năm sinh/ Thành lập: 1981
Nước/ quốc gia: United Kingdom
Công ty đại diện: EMI
Website: http://www.petshopboys.co.uk/
Pet Shop Boys are an English electronic dance music duo, consisting of Neil Tennant, who provides main vocals,keyboards and occasional guitar, and Chris Lowe on keyboards.
One of the world's best-selling music artists, Pet Shop Boys have sold over 100 million records worldwide,[1] and are listed as the most successful duo in UK music history by The Guinness Book of Records.[2] Three-time BRIT Awardwinners and six-time Grammy nominees, since 1986 they have achieved 42 Top 30 singles and 22 Top 10 hits in theUK Singles Chart, including four Number Ones: "West End Girls", "It's a Sin", "Always on My Mind" and "Heart".
At the 2009 BRIT Awards, Pet Shop Boys received an award for Outstanding Contribution to Music. The duo's latest studio album, Yes (continuing their tradition of single word titles) was released on 23 March 2009.[3] It was followed with the live CD and DVD Pandemonium released 15 February 2010, filmed and recorded live at the London O2 Arenain December 2009.
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